Stephanotis Flower

Stephanotis Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Stephanotis — Madagascar jasmine — represents conjugal joy and is normal for use in wedding flower bundles. This plant has rich white blossoms and a sweet jasmine fragrance famous for weddings.

About Stephanotis

Stephanotis – Stephanotis floribunda – has a place with a class of five to ten plant bushes in the Apocynaceae – dogbane – family.

The name comes from the Greek words for crown and ear – Stephanos and Otis. This evergreen vining plant is comparative with the butterfly weed and normal milkweed. Floribunda implies it is a plentiful blooming species.

Other than the modest, sensitive blossoms, this plant is additionally famous for its sweet jasmine fragrance and heartfelt bloom implications.

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Beginning of Stephanotis

Madagascar Jasmine is a tropical, delicate enduring. This plant is local to tropical regions from Madagascar to Malaya.

However, of the about 15 species in the Stephnotis class, a few varieties are likewise tracked down in Cuba, Japan, Africa, India, and China.

Other Common Names

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You might hear Stephanotis called by different names, including its logical or natural name – Stephanotis floribunda.

It’s otherwise called Madagascar jasmine, wedding bloom, marriage cover, waxflower, pua male (Hawaiian), Fleur Parfum, or the Hawaiian wedding blossom.


The Stephanotis bloom is cold white waxy, thin 2″ cylindrical to star-formed, with a crown of five stamens and curves molded like ears. The blossoms fill in weighty groups.

The plants have an inverse, dull green oval leaves with shiny, weathered surfaces. The Stephanotis stems – plants – can arrive at 20 feet while developing wild.

When developed inside, it’s an ideal plant to prepare to develop around an extraordinary shape like a curve. It can stand, climb, wander, or hang.

Fascinating Facts

Regardless of the epithet Madagascar Jasmine, Stephanotis blossoms don’t have a place with the jasmine class – Jasminum officinale. These two species aren’t connected in any way.

Genuine Jasmine has a place with the Oleaceae – Olive – family while Stephanotis is in the Apocynaceae – dog1bane – family.

The Stephanotis is the bloom for the mysterious indication of Pisces – February 19 through March 20.

Developing and Caring for Stephanotis

Stephanotis is a high-upkeep, destitute plant that really does its best when filled in a nursery where you can take care of its particular nature.

These plants need a loamy, rich soil that stays reliably damp without presenting the roots to standing water. Assuming your leaves fire twisting up, you could dislike soaked roots, which can make the plant pass on.

You’ll have to utilize a half-strength compost like clockwork during the developing season. What’s more, because of its high moistness needs (40%-80%), it’s likewise important to routinely fog your plants.

The inclination for high dampness and steady clamminess puts your plants at a higher gamble of issues with scale or mealybugs.

Since Stephanotis is a tropical plant, it needs hotter temperatures in the late spring – somewhere in the range of 70℉ and 80℉. Also, around evening time, it very well may be somewhat cooler – 55℉ to 60℉.

While your plants will require a medium to brilliant light, they will consume in direct daylight. However, they become more tricky to really focus on inside throughout the colder time of year, where their consideration becomes unique.

You’ll have to keep your plants some place where they’ll be in cooler temperatures, around 55℉. High temperatures will kill your Stephanotis. Yet, anything underneath 50℉ is excessively cold for the plant to get by.

Your plants will likewise utilize less watering, in spite of the fact that you’ll in any case have to sporadically fog. No compost is suggested during winter.

Utilizations of Stephanotis Flower Throughout History

The Stephanotis bloom has had a few purposes since the beginning of time, contingent upon the period. Because of the solid scent it produces, Madagascar jasmine is a successive element for beauty care products and fragrances.


In bygone eras, the blossom made coloring powders and beauty care products planned to conceal skin staining, imperfections, redness, flushing, and spots.

Many likewise thought it assisted you with keeping an energetic, normal coloring because of its cooling, tonic, and astringent properties.

Strange notion and Magic

Stephanotis was likewise accepted to draw in darlings when utilized as a fragrance, as per how our bodies answer pheromones, influencing what fragrances cause you to feel fascination.

Since Madagascar jasmine is one of the most pleasantly sweet-smelling blossoms universally, it got the name Fleur Parfum.


You frequently see Stephanotis utilized for embellish in cooking and to enrich cakes, in spite of not being palatable, yet entirely it’s not harmful. Sugar blossoms are normally planned on cakes and craftsman confections, formed after the bloom’s magnificence.

Stephanotis Flowers Meaning
Named the “wedding bloom,” Stephanotis has the fundamental significance of conjugal ecstasy or conjugal satisfaction. It’s utilized in flower bundles, highlights, and wedding cakes.

Yet, more current Stephanotis implications incorporate a yearning to travel or favorable luck. For instance, a Stephanotis blossom can say, “I need to go with you” or “go with me.” It’s a representative way for a couple to report their craving to share new undertakings.

A few societies think about the blossom as a rabbit’s foot. For instance, it can send all the best during a big day and give the lady best of luck.

The white shade of the Stephanotis bloom is likewise illustrative of virtue and the epitome of the couple’s caring relationship. Other potential implications remember another part for life and delight.

What Do the Various Colors of the Stephanotis Flower Mean

Stephanotis isn’t the sort of bloom that comes in different varieties. Initially, Stephanotis tones were restricted to unadulterated white. Be that as it may, botanists have sorted out some way to give a few blossoms a sensitive light yellow tint.

Unadulterated White
Unadulterated dazzling white Stephanotis blossoms represent immaculateness, blamelessness, and straightforwardness. This species is a famous decision for Eastern and Western conventional wedding flower bundles.

The virtue of the white tone is in a genuine way critical for Eastern customs. What’s more, in different societies, the beauty of the magnificent white blossoms pursues it a typical decision for entombment wreaths to address the cyclic way of life.

White/Pale YellowA few botanists have prevailed with regards to making the Stephanotis plant’s white blossoms take on a light yellow tint by presenting the plants to less immediate daylight prior to spring and summer.

The focal point of every petal becomes yellow, representing fellowship and happiness. This variation is more normal for indoor development.

Best Time to Gift Someone Stephanotis Flowers
You can gift the wonderful, fragrant Stephanotis blossoms whenever. There’s no awful event to give this bloom. Pick it for Valentine’s Day, commemorations, congrats to love birds, Mother’s Day, advancements, and birthday celebrations.

Use it to communicate something specific of elevating inspiration, new beginnings, or trust. But at the same time, it’s one of the most amazing sprouts to use for marriage blossoms, particularly for winter weddings.

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