Sweet William Flower

          Sweet william flower


These wooly flowers do best in full sunshine. To mimic the native conditions in which they grow naturally, they can be grown underneath taller plants to benefit from a measure of protection from the elements and to receive dappled sunshine.


Well-draining soil is key to keeping edelweiss plants healthy, and they do well with typical rock garden soil. These plants do best with nearly neutral pH levels, between 6.5 and 7.5. When it comes to soil composition, a mix of compost, sand, grit, and peat moss is best for growing edelweiss flowers. These flowers also grow well in rocky, limestone soils and make great additions to rock gardens.


Edelweiss flowers do not require additional water once established. These fuzzy plants are naturally found in harsh, arid conditions. They cannot tolerate soggy soil and do better with underwatering rather than overwatering. During the first year of growth, water when the soil feels dry.

Temperature and Humidity

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Not surprisingly, liveforever plants are quite hardy and can tolerate both hot and cold temperatures. As long as the temperature does not drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, Dudleya plants will remain viable. Some varieties are more cold-hardy than others, but most prefer dry summers and mild, cool winters.


Because these plants thrive in sandy, low-nutrient soil, they do not require much fertilizer. Avoid giving any fertilizer while they are dormant during the summer. A slow-release liquid fertilizer can be given in the spring or fall.

Propagating Dudleya

Dudleya plants can easily be propagated through division and cuttings. Cuttings can be taken in the spring. These must be offshoots, as individual leaves will not root from these succulents. Division is best done every few years to prevent a leggy, messy look. Over time, Dudleya plants develop tall stalks covered in old, shriveled leaves. Division eliminates this.

To propagate with cuttings, you will need a sharp knife or a pair of garden snips, a small pot, a mix of cactus soil and perlite, and some sand. Then follow these instructions:

snips or knife to cut an offshoot away from the mother plant. Choose an offshoot that is not flowering.

Set the cutting aside in a warm, dry area. Keep it out of direct sunlight.

Allow the cutting to dry out for a week or more until the end begins to callus.

Place the mixture of perlite and cactus soil into a small pot.

Lightly moisten the soil and create a hole in the center.

Place the stalk of the cutting into the hole. Firmly press the soil around it.

Spread a layer of sand on the top of the soil.

Place the cutting in a warm area with bright, indirect lighting. Keep it slightly moist. Avoid large amounts of water, as this can cause rot.

In a few weeks, gently tug the cutting to check for resistance, indicating that roots have formed.

In a month or two, move the cutting to its permanent location.

To divide Dudleya plants, you will need a pair of garden gloves and a sharp pair of snips. Then follow these instructions.

Select the stalks you would like to divide.

Using the snips, cut the stalk right at soil level.

Separate each separate stalk with the snips.

Using the gloves, gently brush away all the shriveled, dead leaves on the lower end of the stalk, leaving only the healthy foliage.

Plant each division in its new location, burying them in well-draining cactus soil. Gently moisten the soil before planting

How to Grow Dudleya From Seed

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Each Dudleya flower produces hundreds of tiny seeds, making seed propagation easy. They can be collected simply by gathering the seed pods and crushing them open. Other than seeds, you will need a seed tray, a well-draining soilless mix, such as sand and perlite, a knife, and a misting bottle. Then follow these instructions.

Fill the seed tray with the well-draining soilless mix.

Sprinkle the tiny seeds across the whole tray.

Gently mist the soil until it is moist. Then place the tray in an area that receives bright, indirect light.

Check the soil a few times a day, misting daily to keep it evenly moist, but not wet.

Germination should occur in approximately 10 days. Once this occurs, spread the seedlings out by moving some to another tray. This allows them more room to grow. To do this, gently pick them up with the tip of a knife.

Once the seedlings grow larger, place each plant into its own small pot.

After growing for 4 to 6 months, each plant can be potted in cactus mix or in a permanent location.

Potting and Repotting Dudleya

Non-branching varieties of Dudleya make perfect container-grown specimen plants. If you opt to grow these plants in this method, be sure to choose a pot with free-flowing drainage holes and only use well-draining soil. While container-grown plants will need a bit more water than those grown in the garden, you should still ensure that the soil dries out thoroughly between waterings. If the plant outgrows its container, gently remove the plant and either divide it, or place it in a container that is a few inches larger.

Common Problems With Dudleya

When placed in the proper environment, Dudleya succulents do not have many problems. However, even hardy plants may run into a few problems. Let’s look at some common issues to arise with this genus of succulents.

Soggy Foliage

Soggy, soft foliage can be a sign of overwatering or soggy soil. If you notice any foliage beginning to look translucent, soft, or soggy, cut back on watering. Be sure your soil drains well, and amend it with sand if need be. Not addressing overwatering quickly can lead to rot. If rot occurs, you may need to start a new plant from healthy cuttings before the plant is consumed with rot.

Wilting, Shriveling Foliage

Wilting foliage occurs during the hot, dry summers where these plants are grown. Though it may appear to be an issue, this is not actually a problem, as long as it is during the summer. This is because it is a natural part of their dormancy. It is normal and should not be a cause for concern. Continue to withhold water until the fall.


Are dudleya plants endangered?

Most Dudleya species are rare. In California, 10 specific species are classified as threatened or endangered2.

How large do dudleya grow?

Depending on the variety, these succulents can reach up 18 inches wide and 2 feet tall, including the tall flower stalks.

What climate is best for dudleya?

Try to mimic the plant’s natural habitat to the best of your ability. For reference, pattern conditions after the dry, hot summers and cool, mild winters of California. Give these plants plenty of sunshine and sandy, rock, well-draining soil. Rocky cliff faces are also an excellent place to grow these succulents.

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